So last night when I wandered in to Trader Joe's after work, grocery shopping while hungry, I was excited to see a healthier version of one of my favorites - Salt & Vinegar chips.
They claim they take care to ensure that each bite is the "perfect bite." Now I'm beginning to agree with a friend's philosophy about how manufacturers get you to wolf down snack foods. Her belief is that there is maybe 1 or 2 perfectly seasoned, i.e. salty, chips in a bag. The reason? Because you taste a few chips that aren't salty and keep thinking the next chip will be the one. When it comes to these chips from Trader Joe's - at least the bag I purchased - she's dead on. Maybe every ten chips, I encountered a chip that was both salty and vinegary. For the most part I had chips with no seasoning and a few chips with just vinegar. In a bag, maybe less than a handful were the "perfect" bite. Generally I'm impressed with Trader Joe's offerings; this was one instance where I think they need to go back to the drawing board.
My husband didn't believe me that these were arguably the worst chips I'd ever eaten. I was all for throwing out the remaining chips (not that there were many left by this point). His first bite - a little on the sweet side but not bad. I invite him to try another. The second bite - free of seasoning. Verdict? Horrible.
I think I'm going to need to go back to Bev Mo! for Boulder Canyon Kettle Chips, Malt Vinegar & Sea Salt chips. They're absolutely yummy. (I'll definitely be ordering some in bulk from Amazon
for Burning Man.)
Have you found any Baked snacks that you like?
Bon Apetit!
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